Friday, October 3, 2008

Amazing, cutting-edge technology for hotels

Charles Tee, my colleague in Singapore, drew my attention to some amazing, cutting-edge hospitality technology. You may wish to take a look at this link:

You can download short clips by Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP), "providing a glimpse of the technologies to be featured in its GUESTROOM 2010 prototype hotel room and adjacent pavilion. The display debuted at HITEC (Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition and Conference) 2006, June 19-22 at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, Minn. Based on a worldwide, comprehensive study, more than 40 different technologies were chosen to be featured in the pavilion. Few of the technologies are only conceptual, while a majority is capable of installation within 90 days."


Anonymous said...

Good post.

Ocker McGroovatube said...

I understand that it was a trade show but I still found a lot of items gimmicky. Sure, some would be useful but others appear time consuming.
I also couldn't help but think that you would also have to relearn basic daily operations such as reaching for a non existent light switch.
On the other hand if you are a child you would grow with the technology.